
“ GOD DOOR(神の戸びら) ” ( “ GOD DOOR ” )

SAKE TARU LOUNGEで、お客様をお迎えする扉は、2016年に解体された 神戸の代表的な銀行建築であった旧三菱銀行神戸支店(ファミリアホール)で使用されていた 重厚感のある扉を再活用(UPCYCLE)しています。


The door for welcoming customers is made up cycled. the imposing door that is used in the building of Mitsubishi bank Kobe branch was the symbol of Kobe architecture and demolished in 2016 at SAKE TARU LOUNGE

オリジナル“SAKE TAGA シャンデリア”  ( The original “SAKE TAGA chandelier” )


The original “SAKE TAGA chandelier”

Taga (hoop) is produced to tie along the outer barrel of a thin bamboo cut making the sake barrel.

The entrance of the original chandelier for welcoming customers is made by up cycling process and they used taga (hoop) of the sake barrel.

オリジナル“SAKE TARU チェア” ( Original “SAKE TARU Chair” )

お客様にくつろいでいただく椅子は、実際に使用していた酒樽を再活用(UPCYCLE)して作ったオリジナルのSAKE TARU チェアになります。木工の匠”木の工房KAKU”の賀來寿史氏を中心にDIYで制作致しました。

Original “SAKE TARU Chair”

The chairs to relax for customers is made by up cycling process, and sake barrels the original ““SAKE TARU Chair”” is used.

The master of woodworking “Wood studio of KAKU” Hisashi Kaku and his staff are the ones who produced it.

オリジナル“KOBE WOODS カウンター” ( Original “KOBE WOODS counter” )


Original “KOBE WOODS counter”

The material of the wood of bar counter and table for customers is effectively used the logged roadside trees for environmental arrangement of the Kobe city, the cypress of the timber from forest thinning of Mt. Rokko, and pallets to carry the cargo at the Kobe harbor under the cooperation of president of share wood Masao Yamazaki 

オリジナル“SAKE TARU ウォール” ( Original “SAKE TARU Wall” )


この酒樽に使用される杉の木は樹齢100年以上のものを選定し、樽職人が精魂込めてひとつひとつ手作業で熟練の技を施し、まるで工芸品の様な美しい仕上りになります。 お酒に杉の香りづけを終えた酒樽を壁面の材料として再活用(UPCYCLE)しています。  

Original “SAKE TARU Wall”

The Wall is upcycling the used sake barrels.

The cedar tree that is used as sake barrels is selected from a 100 year old tree, and a barrel craftsperson, by his hands with artisanship, made every single barrel with minutest care, and it looks beautiful as if it was a craft.

The sake barrel that has a cedar flavor is upcycled as the material for the wall.

 内装イメージ ( Interior image )

2017年よりSake Barrel Projectを開始し酒樽の再利用を積極的に取り組んでいCOL.architectsの高橋渓氏に店舗デザインを依頼しました。



Interior image

Kei Takahashi, a COL architect, started Sake Barrel Project that actively re-uses sake barrel to design the shop.

It is designed as if the huge sake barrel is in the shop.

Customers will enjoy Kobe city more if they experience all of stories about Kobe, including furnitures in the shop. 

 世界一の酒処を実感する回転眺望 ( Our story )







Experiencing the best sake place in the world at the rotating observatory.

Rice polishing technique with water wheels was developed by taking advantage of trickling down the sea in Rokko mountains.

The sake rice named “Yamadanishiki” and “Toji” ,which are rice cultivars suitable for sake making, came from the other side of the mountain during the season for brewing sake.

The wonderful water to brew sake which was given by filtering the water that rained in Mt. Rokko through granite for long time was good.

The seasonal cold wind named 'Rokko Oroshi' blew down from Mt. Rokko which was good to control the temperature process of fermentation.

Kobe city was good place to transport the sake to Edo by the sea.

Nada gogo became one of the best places where you can drink sake in the world at the rotating observatory, which becomes tangible during your visit.





展望3階回転フロアに、世界一の酒処"灘五郷"を体感できる、世界初の廻る清酒ラウンジ「SAKE TARU LOUNGE」をオープン。世界初の日本酒サーバーや地元スイーツとのマリアージュなど素敵な企画満載です。

「SAKE TARU LOUNGE」at the rotating observation deck on the 3rd floor of Kobe port tower will be opened on 1st June.

You can have an experience with one of the best sake which is called “Nadagogo” at the world's first rotating Sake Lounge.

There are full of amazing plans with valuable Japanese sake, world's first Japanese sake server and a combination of the local sweets.



 神戸には、神戸ビーフを始め、世界一の酒処・灘五郷、日本で最古のゴルフ場、日本で最初のコーヒー文化発祥、日本で最初の紅茶文化発祥、日本における豚饅頭発祥、等を積上げたらタワーを構成出来るほどの、たくさんのFACT(事実)があります。タワーの塔頂には、【PORT OF KOBE】と標記があります。【PORT OF KOBE】⇒【PR of KOBE】として、ポートタワーを活用して、恵まれた神戸のFACTを情報発信。まちの価値向上を目指します。